Papermaker touts green business models
APP-China, a leading papermakingcompany in China, organized Cor-porate Day on Sept 25 at the ChinaPavilion during the ongoing ExpoMilano 2015.
Under the theme of “CivilizationInheritance, Green China”, the activitywas designed to promote the nation’spaper culture and the company’s con-fidence in building a “beautiful andharmonious China” through envi-ronmentally friendly operations, thecompany said.
Yang Hong, deputy director of theChina Pavilion, and Budiman Muham-mad, head of the Indonesia Pavilion, aswell as representatives from compa-nies and members of the expo’s orga-nizing committee attended the event.
During Corporate Day, employeesof APP-China displayed Chinese traditional folk arts such as paper-cuttingand stone rubbing to visitors. Thecompany also gave the expo’s organi-
zation committee four Chinese waterand ink paintings that depict the fourseasons in Suzhou, Jiangsu province.
“The theme of this year’s expo is‘Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life’.It highlights the harmony betweenhuman and nature, and also expressesa concern for economic, social
andhuman sustainable development,which is the largest challenge faced byChina’s papermaking industry,” saidZhai Jingli, deputy CEO of APP-China.
“As China has increased its effortsto adjust its energy structure, the firstthing we want to explore is how low-carbon and green development canadapt to the country’s new normal
ofslower yet higher-quality economicgrowth.”
Over the past two decades, APP-China has pursued a balance betweennatural ecology and economic devel-opment, she added.
The company considers the “plan-tation-pulp-paper integration” a corebusiness concept to realize its sus-tainable operations. It has 300,000hectares of plantations in China thatcan capture 8 million metric tons ofcarbon dioxide and store 2.17 milliontons of carbon each year.
It also insists on managing the plantations in sustainable ways andhas been receiving forest certifica-tions for years. By the end of last year,APP-China had 240,000 hectares ofcertified plantations, 80 percent of itstotal amount of plantations.
In July, the company was selectedas a national role model for its emis-sions reductions at the China Summiton Caring for Climate held in Beijing.Zhai called the honor “one of the
bestrecognitions of our efforts to imple-ment sustainable development strate-gies and explore green approaches tobusiness”.
Through this year’s Milan Expo,APP-China wanted to show the worldChina’s centuries-old papermakingculture and its achievements in pro-moting environmentally consciousoperations models.
As one of the global partners ofthe China Pavilion, APP-China madecustomized products for the pavilion,including brochures, notebooks, enve-lopes, paper towels and writing paper,which all received certification fromthe China Forest Certification Counciland the Program for the Endorsementof Forest Certification Schemes.
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